
The importance of sorting before you pack for a move

In the perfect world, we would pack all of our things for a move by room. Then you could simply unload those boxes into the proper room of your new home and be set. But, in reality, things don’t go this way. Like when you decide to use your socks to wrap your stemware, or when you realize that your sweaters will make great padding for your fragile gnome collection. And then there are all those last-minute items that you shove into any box where you can find room.

The result?

For days (or weeks) after you move in, you will be tearing open boxes frantically trying to find where you put that much-needed item, and the unpacking process will take much longer because you have to make so many trips between rooms to put items in their rightful place.

This just goes to show the importance of sorting all of your items before you start packing. Follow these shorting tips to make the packing and unpacking process easier.

1. First Clean House

Weeks before you move out, you should give your home a really thorough cleaning. Not only is this a nice thing to do for the new occupants, but it also helps you get your home in order for packing. Take the time to clean behind sofas, under beds, and other crevices. You will probably find lots of lost socks, books, toys, and other items lurking here. Return them to their proper places.

2. Put Everything in Its Place

Most of the items in our home could have more than one “home.” For example, a screwdriver might end up in your kitchen’s junk drawer, even though its better home is in your garage work room. Before you pack, take the time to open up all your drawers, closets, etc. and look for items which are out of place. Bring these back to where they belong.

3. Organize and PURGE!

Starting with problematic areas first, like closets and basements, begin putting all your items into order. Those old records which are all over your den? Stack them up! The pile of books which fell over? Group them by size.

When you put all your items into an almost-obsessive level of organization, you will be better equipped to gauge how many boxes you need (you probably need more than you realize). While you put things in order, start purging yourself of items you don’t need. Have big boxes and bags ready to put these aside for donation.

4. Pack Breakables First – Using Padding You Already Have

It is generally best to pack breakable items first, such as plates, stemware, and collectibles. The reason for this is because you can use items you already have as padding (like using dishtowels between plates instead of bubble wrap). Ideally, use padding which belongs in the same room. If you end up packing items from different rooms together, try to keep it at a minimum. For example, when using socks to wrap stemware, use only one person’s socks. Then you won’t have to sort the socks later.